Academic Output and Achievements


Jana Lim wins TGS Award 2023 and PhD Position 

MSc research theses 

The final stage of the GEM programme is dedicated to executing an individual research project. Each student works independently on an approved research topic from one of the research fields related to the programme and writes their MSc research thesis on it. 
During the project, the students develop their research skills further and have to demonstrate that they can use the knowledge acquired during the programme to successfully complete their research project.  
The following listings of the academic output of the GEM MSc students are available: 

Students in Track 2 and 4 worked on their MSc Research at UC Louvain, Belgium.

Search | Mémoire UCL ( 

Students in Track 1 and 3 worked on their MSc Research at the University of Twente, Faculty of Geo-information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), the Netherlands. 
